April 18th, 2018

Regenerative Agriculture: Editorial Overview

By Clare Hintz

In this issue of the Journal of Sustainability Education we explore regenerative agriculture, traveling from the inner city to the shores of Lake Superior. The research in this issue integrates both an ecological and social justice perspective and approaches the theme in a multitude of ways. Each writer actively explored the intersections between agriculture, land, and community care for the land and each other.

For this issue, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all reviewers as well as authors and our Board for their support. In this abbreviated issue, you will find a variety of pieces ranging from academic writing to multimedia blogs. This diversity of articles helps us all to have a deeper, more rooted understanding of regenerative agriculture.

Brandon Hoover discusses the need for agricultural education and the relationship between agricultural education and food justice and other food movements on college campuses.

Jeremy Solin discusses the relationship between sense of place—a past issue theme—and regenerative agriculture. Solin’s research into civic engagement and food systems engagement helps us, again, broaden our understanding of the relationship and intersections of ecological sustainability and social justice in the pursuit of a more sustainable and more just food system.

Sam Grant, a Minnesota-based food systems transformative organizer, explores the organizing work occurring in both Ghana and North Minneapolis, a neighborhood in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The North Minneapolis food systems transformation is also the focus of Cirien Saadeh’s writing. Both Grant and Saadeh prioritize a social justice understanding of regenerative agriculture, while also integrating and reflecting on the importance of ecological sustainability within justice work and organizing efforts.


The articles above, and the many others in this issue, help us to better connect the dots, drawing together ecological sustainability and social justice as co-dependent efforts necessary for a truly sustainable world.



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