Sustainability Education Events and Jobs
(Send job or events postings to
ACPA Institute on Sustainability
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado, USA
June 17 – 19, 2012
Why Send a Team?
Last year, some of the best feedback received from participants was from those who attended as members of an institutional team. While individual attendance is perfectly fine, if you can bring a team of students, faculty and administrators, we encourage it! Students may register at a significantly discounted rate without being ACPA members. Here is what one previous student participant who came as a part of a team said about the Institute:
“The Sustainability Institute was really enjoyable. I now think about sustainability whether hearing about a new building project, being a part of a search committee, or just thinking of how to connect various groups on campus. The social, economic, and environmental issues that make up sustainability on their own are so complicated that there of course is always much to learn and synthesize. Going as a team allowed us to reflect upon our shared experience and develop relationships from going to the conference together. We also were able to make some plans went beyond our individual departments.”
–Martin Mudry, Student • Macalester College
Conference Overview
The fifth annual ACPA Institute on Sustainability will again bring together students, staff and faculty from colleges and universities across the country who are committed to sustainability. Now, more than ever, it is essential to implement sustainable practices that save money and reduce a campus’ carbon footprint. This Institute will provide participants with tools necessary to help each campus become more sustainable. The format of this Institute allows for extensive interaction among attendees and opportunities to directly engage with presenters.
The goal of the Institute is to provide individuals and institutional teams with a plethora of knowledge about sustainability so that they can return to their campuses prepared to contribute to the development of sustainable policies and practices and the education of campus community members. Participants will have the opportunity to hear from some of the leading sustainability scholars and practitioners; explore promising practices from campuses across the country; and develop a framework and actionable goals that can be taken back to campus and integrated into the core of the institution. The ACPA Institute on Sustainability seeks to create education and awareness for sustainability’s triple bottom line.
Keynote speakers are Debra Rowe, Ph.D.,President, U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development and M. Ann Howard, JD, Senior Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Student Panel to include incoming freshman through graduate student from CU Boulder, Penn State and Univ. of Deleware. Confirmed presentations in 2012 include:
Co-Teaching Sustainability with Teaching/Learning Fellows Program at UBC
Optimizing Yiel: Gardening and Sustainability at the University of Delaware
When They Just Don’t Give a *#@!: Reaching Out to Hard-to-Reach Audiences (greeks, student renters, labs)
EcoHouse: A Student Driven Approach to Sustainability and Social Justice
Roundtable for Administrators – Key Concerns about Integrating Sustainability and Campus Culture
A Sustainable Campus Movement: Academic Affairs and Student Life Collaborate
Creating Culture through Structure: Sustaining a Departmental Commitment to Sustainability
Best Sustainability Practices in Student Affairs
10 Myths of Social Justice
Recycling Education and Awareness: Tools, Tips and Ideas for Campus and Community Outreach
Thursday, May 10, 2012
1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. EST
Lack of awareness about recycling on campus remains one of the biggest barriers to increasing recycling participation. This webinar will provide you with successful communications strategies and specific ideas you can use to improve and enhance your campus and community outreach programs.
Learn how to develop a successful and cost-effective campus communications strategy using your recycling data.
Hear expert-analysis of current peer-to-peer sustainability outreach programs and find out what leads to successful and effective programs.
Get tips for using social media like Facebook and Twitter to raise recycling awareness.
Find out how to use events to improve recycling rates, raise awareness and maximize resources.
Erica Mattison, Campus Sustainability Coordinator – Suffolk University
Kaye Johnston, Sustainability Coordinator – University of Missouri-Kansas City
Christina Erickson, Ph.D., Sustainability Director – Champlain College
Register now at
Sustainability Across the Curriculum Leadership Workshops
AASHE’s Sustainability Across the Curriculum Leadership workshops are for faculty leaders of all disciplines who wish to develop curriculum change programs around sustainability on their campuses.
Upcoming Workshops
- June 26-27, 2012, San Diego State University
Application Process
- Submit a Team Application (no more than 3 applicants from one institution)
- Submit an Individual Application
- EXTENDED: Application deadline is Friday, April 27
- You may apply as an individual or as a team. You will be asked for payment information after your application has been accepted.
- Workshop size limited to approximately 35 participants.
Workshop Description
Through an intensive two days of presentations, exercises, discussions, reflection, and planning, participants will become familiar with the philosophy of change in higher education developed through the Ponderosa Project at Northern Arizona University and adapted at Emory in the Piedmont Project. Participants will also experience a range of workshop strategies, hear local experts, enjoy outdoor place-based activities, and dialogue with faculty from around the country as they gain help in adapting this model to their own campus. In a supportive and stimulating environment, workshop members will reflect on their own roles in the transformation of higher education. Readings and materials will also be provided.
These highly successful workshops are led by Geoffrey Chase of San Diego State University and Peggy Barlett of Emory University. Peggy and Geoff are editors of Sustainability on Campus: Stories and Strategies for Change, published by MIT Press in 2004. Peggy and Geoff have many years of experience leading these kinds of workshops and have helped more than 350 faculty around the country take steps toward curriculum innovation in their universities and colleges.
Workshop tuition is $420 for AASHE members and $485 for non-members. Tuition covers snacks and lunches on both days of the workshop, handouts, materials, and an evening reception on the first day of the workshop.
Comments from past attendees:
- One of the best workshops I’ve participated in.
- This workshop has been completely revitalizing and inspiring.
- Awesome combo of lecture, small group and physical activity. I’ve never felt so positive leaving a workshop.
- Excellent!! Well worth my time. Thank you.
- The workshop provided all that I expected to get and a chance to talk with so many interesting folks about ideas and programs.
- The organization of the workshop was fantastic
Appropriate for Grade Level: 7 – 12, College, Adults
Sustainability Across the Curriculum Leadership Workshops
AASHE’s Sustainability Across the Curriculum Leadership workshops are for faculty leaders of all disciplines who wish to develop curriculum change programs around sustainability on their campuses.
June 26-27, 2012, San Diego State University
Application Process
- Submit a Team Application (no more than 3 applicants from one institution)
- Submit an Individual Application
- Application deadline is Monday, April 9
- You may apply as an individual or as a team. You will be asked for payment information after your application has been accepted.
- Workshop size limited to approximately 35 participants.
Workshop Description
Through an intensive two days of presentations, exercises, discussions, reflection, and planning, participants will become familiar with the philosophy of change in higher education developed through the Ponderosa Project at Northern Arizona University and adapted at Emory in the Piedmont Project. Participants will also experience a range of workshop strategies, hear local experts, enjoy outdoor place-based activities, and dialogue with faculty from around the country as they gain help in adapting this model to their own campus. In a supportive and stimulating environment, workshop members will reflect on their own roles in the transformation of higher education. Readings and materials will also be provided.
These highly successful workshops are led by Geoffrey Chase of San Diego State University and Peggy Barlett of Emory University. Peggy and Geoff are editors of Sustainability on Campus: Stories and Strategies for Change, published by MIT Press in 2004. Peggy and Geoff have many years of experience leading these kinds of workshops and have helped more than 350 faculty around the country take steps toward curriculum innovation in their universities and colleges.
Workshop tuition is $420 for AASHE members and $485 for non-members. Tuition covers snacks and lunches on both days of the workshop, handouts, materials, and an evening reception on the first day of the workshop.
The 2012 Conference on Energy Challenges will feature many of the top names and energy experts in public higher education, policy development, industry, research and government. We are looking forward to high level discussions and exchanges between the energy leaders who will create the opportunities to solve this country’s energy challenges for the next 50 years.
Based primarily on data from submitted reports, the STARS Quarterly Review (SQR) features stories that frame the evolving concept of sustainability in higher education. Each edition of the SQR provides a comprehensive outlook that is based on a defined data cut-off date. The Spring 2012 SQR highlights three stories that align STARS with AASHE’s direction: Serving as a thought-leader to advance sustainability by providing invaluable resources to a diverse and inspired community. Dialogue on SQR stories is encouraged, so please submit your thoughts and ideas to
The College Mathematics Journal (CMJ) is planning a special issue devoted to the Mathematics of Planet Earth. Please forward this to anyone you know who is interested in the environment and/or mathematics. This special issue is a real opportunity for an author interested in ‘The Mathematics of Planet Earth’. CMJ has a large readership, one of the largest among all mathematics journals. If the issue is successful, it will reach a still larger audience through post-publication distribution and workshops. For more information, see the website below or contact Michael Henle, editor, The College Mathematics Journal at
Submissions are sought for the November 2013 issue of The College Mathematics Journal (CMJ) which will be devoted to the Mathematics of Planet Earth. This issue will be part of a year-long round of scientific activities conducted across the globe. The MAA is a partner in this project. More information is available at
Papers submitted should address the mathematical aspects of any of the innumerable issues affecting the earth. Potential areas for submissions include climate, meteorology, ecology, epidemiology, resource management, and biodiversity. Also of interest are areas of human interaction with the earth, including, but not limited to, economics, finance, politics, communication, sustainable development, and disaster management.
In addition to articles, Classroom Capsules, Student Research Projects and other kinds of submissions are welcome. The College Mathematics Journal’s web page (
Final submissions must be received by December 20, 2012 to be assured of consideration.
Green Jobs Conference
New Publication: Creating & Maintaining an Eco-Rep Program on Your Campus
This step-by-step guide, written by Champlain College’s Sustainability Director Christina Erickson, takes readers through the various stages of establishing and maintaining “Eco-Rep” programs (student peer-to-peer sustainability education programs). It offers descriptions of actual programs along with example activities, marketing strategies, recruiting tools and sample job descriptions. AASHE and NWF’s Campus Ecology Program partnered in publishing this guide.
With more than 60 active student sustainability education and outreach programs on campuses across the U.S. and Canada, and many others planned or underway, the publication addresses a demonstrated need for campus guidance in both creating and maintaining Eco-Rep programs. Learn more about the author and publication.
To celebrate the launch of this guide, please join us for a free webinar on April 18 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern. Dr. Erickson will be joined by Eco-Rep leaders at Babson College, Lehigh U., U. Pennsylvania, and Western Washington U., who will share their experience with designing, implementing and evaluating student Eco-Rep programs.
*Scope*: Papers in this special edition of WORK will focus on the area of green ergonomics, including sustainable development and design, and broad concepts of the intersection of ergonomics and sustainability.Papers can identify complexities of issues that need to be addressed to advance a research framework to support and enact change. *Submissions Formats*: Research papers (conceptual, methodological, and empirical) will be considered. Case studies (3-10 double spaced pages); Conceptual, theoretical approaches and/or methodological papers (10-20 double spaced pages); Research papers (15-30 double spaced pages) All submissions must be in electronic format using Microsoft Word or PDF in 12 point Arial font, double-spaced. Please review submission for corrections needed prior to sending it. Include the following information *on the cover page: *Primary contact person's name, phone, fax, email and mail address; Title of paper; Names and affiliations of all authors; A 200 word abstract (background or statement of problem, approach or method, findings/ results, conclusion); 5 keywords; Date of submission *Timeline is as follows:* Abstract and Manuscript Submission Deadline:August 1, 2012 Editors send manuscripts for blind peer review: October 1, 2012 Reviewer's feedback and manuscript status sent to authors: February 2013 Final edited manuscripts due: April 15, 2013 Special Issue publication date: late 2013/early 2014 Please send all correspondence to: Julie Dorsey, Assistant Professor, Ithaca College, Ithaca NY 14850 USA *Guest-Editors:* Julie Dorsey, USA-; 607-274-1078 Linda Miller, Canada --; 780- 436-0024 Alan Hedge, USA-; 607-255-1957 Sonja Pavlovic, Serbia-
To create a green and sustainable economy, we need policies that eliminate the barriers to growing green jobs.
AACC’s SEED center ( has started a Community of Action about Policy to Grow Green Jobs.
This information can be used in classrooms, at campus and community activities and events, and shared with your college’s
governmental relations offices.
We are having a call on March 29th. Open to all faculty and staff on all campuses, the call will begin with some key updates,
resources and practical strategies collected from policy experts. We will then open up for discussion about examples
and specific possibilities for local implementation.
Plan to join us on Thursday, March 29th, at 1 pm eastern time for the one hour call.
You can join by Adobe Connect on your computers (sign in as guest) by clicking on the following link –
You can share this link with others.
You can also call into 712 775 7000 , passcode 667911#
You won’t want to miss these great sessions!
Twice as many workshops and presentations as last year! The complete conference schedule, along with session descriptions, has been posted to the website. The program features outstanding presentations and workshops from leaders in the field. This conference can help you…
- · Create behavior change programs.
- · Develop stronger connections to your community.
- · Imagine a greener built environment.
- · Take advantage of your campus as a learning laboratory.
- · And make new connections!
This year, the conference has been designed to provide opportunities for deeper learning. Past attendees have stated that, as our campus sustainability programs and challenges evolve, we need a collective opportunity to discuss and share our lessons learned with more time and in greater depth. This conference tries to not only present a learning environment for newcomers and veterans, but also share more detailed approaches toward our breadth of campus sustainability challenges and opportunities.
Keynote Speaker: Leith Sharp, Sustainable Futures Academy
Who Are the Change Makers? The last two decade of effort and progress achieved by the higher education sustainability movement has revealed several key insights into how we can unleash a profound acceleration of the transformation process, driving sustainability into the core business of higher education. This plenary will share several of these insights with attention given to the day-to-day reality of how our organizational function and how the individual can be a change maker.
Lodging & Logistics
Book your hotel at the Marriott Inn and Conference Center. Named the country’s first environmentally friendly hotel and conference center, this College Park hotel has received its LEED certification from the US Green Building Council.
Want to… Share a room? Share a ride? Recommend a restaurant? Check out our conference Message Board.
Exhibit Hall twice as big!
Meet and mingle with campus partners and build relationships that can kick start your next campus project. Our Exhibit Hall features twice as many exhibitors as in previous years! Find out more information about our Exhibitors.
For more details, please visit www.smartandsustainable.umd.
Climate Change Continuing Education
Symposia for Faculty
The National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE), Council of Environmental Deans and Directors (CEDD) and the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) invite you to participate in a series of free weekly webinars that will introduce you to exciting resources for teaching about climate change science and solutions that are located on the CAMEL (Climate Adaptation and Mitigation E-learning) web portal (
NCSE will provide a “digital badge” of participation to registered faculty members.
Each free webinar will feature a faculty member discussing a teaching module or exercise and how to use it in your teaching. The modules to be discussed are designed for undergraduate students, primarily at an introductory level.
Webinar weekly schedule >>
March 20 – May 22, 2012
Tuesdays, 3 pm Eastern Time
Registration >>
Register today for one or all sessions.
- March 20 – Introduction to the CAMEL Resource, Andy Jorgensen, University of Toledo
Register Here - March 27 – David Kitchen, University of Richmond, Recent Climate Change
Register Here - April 3 – Arnold Bloom, Un. California – Davis, Climate Change and Wine
Register Here - April 10 – Kevin Spigel, Unity College: A Mini-Module Approach to Understanding Climate Change
Register Here - April 17 – Tricia Mynster, University of Nevada – Las Vegas, Climate Change Impacts on Colorado River Water Supply
Register Here - April 24 – Octaviana Trujillo, Northern Arizona University and Teresa Newberry, TOCC – Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Climate Change
Register Here - May 1 – Dave Hassenzahl, Chatham University, NASA Time Machine Visualization
Register Here - May 8 – Stephanie Pfirman and Patrick Callahan, Barnard College
Register Here - May 15 – Mike Finewood, Chatham University, Climate Change and Food
Register Here - May 22 – Lisa Bosman and William Van Lopik, College of the Menominee, Climate Change and Energy from an American Indian Perspective
Register Here
Job Title: Sustainability Director, UC Santa Cruz
Div/Org.: Business and Administrative Services
Initial Review Date: 05-28-2012
A one or two year Postdoctoral Fellow is being recruited to take a lead role in document and data set analysis of sustainability policy in K-12 and post-secondary education in Canada. The fellow will be based at the University of Saskatchewan, with a salary of $35,000-48,000 Canadian/year plus benefits, depending on level of experience. Applicants should have a Doctoral degree in Policy Studies, Educational Studies, or a related field, and preferably experience doing critical policy analysis. For further details:
Two Doctoral Fellows are also recruited to focus their thesis research on document and data set analysis of sustainability policy in K-12 or post-secondary education in Canada. Doctoral researchers will receive stipends of $18,000 Canadian/year plus benefits, for three years of PhD study. For further details please see:
If interested, please send a cover letter, Curriculum Vitae, and three references electronically to Dr. Marcia McKenzie at
Deadline May 15th or until positions filled.
Oberlin College invites applications for the position of Sustainable
Technology Research Fellow. The successful candidate will assist in
the development and management of a novel technological system of
building and bioregional “dashboards” and other devices that provide
city and college residents with environmentally and socially
contextualized real-time feedback on electricity and water flows
through college, residential and commercial buildings and through the
City of Oberlin. We seek a recent college graduate (or equivalent
experience) with advanced computer skills and experiences and
excellent organizational skills who is excited by the opportunity to
develop and manage novel technology designed to motivate and empower
citizens to take better care of the environment. Applications will be
reviewed starting 5/1 and applicants will be considered until the
position is filled (6/1 limit). Graduating seniors and recent
graduates with appropriate skills are encouraged to apply. A full
description and instructions for application are posted at:
Sustainability Fellow
Northland College, Ashland WI
Northland College is currently conducting a search for a Sustainability Fellow. The Sustainability Fellow serves as the link between the student body and the Northland College institution. This position supports the current sustainability initiatives at the College, assists in the development of educational programs, and provides oversight and direction of the student Sustainability Crew.
This position requires previous experience with sustainability programming/projects and very strong oral and written communication skills. The applicant should be an independent worker, with the ability to prioritize and complete multiple tasks within deadlines. Applicants should have strong organizational and interpersonal skills. The ability to function as part of team to accomplish set goals is a requirement for this position.
A Bachelor’s degree is required. Previous experience implementing sustainability projects and educating people on sustainability-related issues is expected, as are demonstrated leadership and organizational skills.
This is a three-year appointment at 50% (half-time).
The Environmental Studies Program at Oberlin College invites
applications for the position of Sustainable Technology Research
Fellow. This is a full-time, one-year position (renewal for additional
years contingent on grant funding), beginning as soon as a suitable
applicant can be hired, reporting to the Director of the Environmental
Studies Program.
Responsibilities: The successful candidate will assist in the
development and management of a novel technological system of building
and bioregional “dashboards” and other devices that provide city and
college residents with environmentally and socially contextualized
real-time feedback on electricity and water flows through college,
residential and commercial buildings and through the City of Oberlin.
More information on the project can be found at:
Requirements: We seek an individual with a bachelor’s degree or
equivalent combination of education and work experience, with advanced
computer skills and leadership potential and strong organizational
skills who is excited by the opportunity to develop and manage novel
technology designed to motivate and empower citizens to take care of
the environment. Reliability, creativity, ability to independently
trouble shoot and solve technical problems and to collaborate as a
team member are necessary.
Desired Qualifications: General hardware and software problem solving
skills and experience; scripting (e.g. php); database management
(SQL); system administration and system management experience; web
design (HTML, XML); project management. It is not essential that
applicants have all of these skills and experiences, but we are
looking for someone who has the demonstrated ability to learn and
teach themselves new skills as needs arise.
Compensation: Within the range established for this position, salary
is commensurate with qualifications and experience and includes an
excellent benefits package.
To Apply: Applicants should submit a résumé, along with a cover letter
describing qualifications and interest in the position and contact
information for at least three references to: Dr. John Petersen,
Director of Environmental Studies Program, Oberlin College, 122 Elm
Street, Oberlin, OH 44074, or by March 30,
2012. Review of applications will start immediately and continue until
the position is filled.