Call for Papers: Ecomedia Literacy
Call for Papers:
Special Issue of the Journal of Sustainability Education:
Ecomedia Literacy: Bridging media, technology, youth media,
and arts education with education for sustainability
JSE Call for Papers-May 2020 Special Issue Media Literacy
Historically there has been a divide between practitioners of media education and environmental education. The causes vary, but can be traced to the legacy of how media studies has neglected to examine the environmental consequences of information and communications technology (ICT), and a historical distrust of technology and media among environmentalists. In recent years emerging fields are bridging this gap, including ecomedia studies, environmental humanities, environmental communication, green cultural studies, ecocinema studies, postcolonial ecocriticism, and ecocriticism. We now have an opportunity to bring sustainability educators into the conversation by exploring mutual interests and crossover between media and sustainability educators. This special issue intends to open up this discussion with innovative and cross-disciplinary scholarship and case studies.
We seek academic literature, personal essays, media, and other publishable works that address these and other questions:
- What should students learn to promote a healthy media ecosystem?
- How can sustainability educators harness media making tools and the arts?
- What is the media’s phenomenological influence on the perception of time, space, place and cognition?
- What are the pedagogical functions of media, media activism or technology?
- How can key themes (such as food, commons, climate crisis) in sustainability education be incorporated into media and/or arts education?
- How can language arts connect with sustainability education?
Some keywords and topics for this special issue: ecological thinking across the curriculum; ecomedia literacy; media and/as the environment; media as education; digital vs. “natural” environments; sustainability and self care; sustainability and community stewardship through arts, media and storytelling; sustainability and that arts; youth media; community media; citizen journalism; fake news, news literacy and climate crisis; intersection between food and media; slow media; mapping as pedagogy; pipeline activism as pedagogy; decolonizing media literacy; green cultural citizenship; the commons; visual culture; consumption and sustainability; representation of nature in marketing; evaluating the ecological claims of products and corporations (green washing); health and the environment; animals in the media; alternative media and artist responses to environmental issues; visual communication methods.
The editors of this special issue ask these questions and explore these key words in an effort to stimulate research, reflection, theory development, and discussion of praxis. We also seek relevant book and media reviews, editorial pieces, photo essays, multimedia pieces, case studies, and reflections on learning and practice.
If you are interested in submitting work for this issue, please visit the JSE website (, and register as an author using the RATS (review and article tracking and submission) system (follow the link to RATS at the top of the JSE home page). RATS also includes links to the JSE submission guidelines (select “submit” from the RATS interface). For further information, please contact the issue editors. Please use “JSE Ecomedia Literacy Issue inquiry” in the subject line of your message.
The JSE also seeks peer reviewers. You are encouraged to use the RATS system to participate in our peer review process.
Antonio Lopez, Ph.D., Guest Editor,
Theresa Redmond, Ed.D, Guest Editor,
Jeff Share, Ph.D., Guest Editor,
Clare Hintz, Ph.D., Editor,
Categories for Authors:
Scholarly Feature Articles: Longer, peer-reviewed articles between 3,000 and 7,500 words in three categories: (1) Original Research, (2) Theoretical/Conceptual Articles, and (3) Program/Practice Features.
Reports and Briefings: Report preliminary findings, phenomenological studies, case studies, insights, etc. between 500-3,000 words and have fewer than 10 references.
Editorials/Opinions: These 500-3,000 word essays offer commentary on current events related to sustainability education, issues in sustainability, or recent articles in this journal.
Book and Media Reviews: Reviews are between 500 and 3,000 words that focus on how the book, film, or other media contributes to sustainability education.
Case Studies: Descriptions of courses, programs or experiences with students with enough detail to visualize how the experience or course was done, but leave enough of an open framework to allow the reader to envision using and adapting the experience or course.
Photo Essays and Images of Sustainability Education: Digital photographs or other media with 100 word maximum captions help demonstrate a more holistic view of sustainability education and engage a broad audience.
Sustainability Journeys: These are personal stories about some poignant aspect of the author’s journey to be, or to be part of , sustainability education.
Author Guidelines:
Style requirements: Please ensure submissions comply with APA style as well as the Journal of Sustainability Education’s specific style and submission guidelines.
About the Journal of Sustainability Education: The Journal of Sustainability Education (JSE) serves as a forum for academics and practitioners to share, critique, and promote research, practices, and initiatives that foster the integration of economic, ecological, and social-cultural dimensions of sustainability within formal and non-formal educational contexts. JSE is a peer-reviewed, open access trans- and interdisciplinary e-journal that publishes three editions a year: two themed issues and one general issue. Issues include research and practice feature articles, professional and news reports of projects and initiatives, opinion pieces, announcements of educational and research opportunities, and book and other media reviews. JSE is housed by Prescott College’s Ph.D. Program in Sustainability Education.