March 2017: Seeking the Seeds of Our Future Table of Contents

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March 2017: Seeking the Seeds of Our Future

From the Editors

Seeds Exchange and Soil Fertility: What More is Needed to Vision Our Shared Future
Christine Kelly, Anagennao

Envisioning a Sustainable Future
Jen Mason, Prescott College


Reflections from Thought Leaders

Earth Leadership
Fritjof Capra

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness: Reframing our Goals for Education
David Sobel, Antioch University

Future Casting: Back to the Future
Zenobia Barlow and Michael K. Stone, Center for Ecoliteracy

Bridges of Collaboration and Exchange
Kim Kita, Colorado State University; Aines Castro Prieto, Colorado State University Todos Santos



A Future Invested in Sustainability: Sustainable architecture and education in the Mid-West through the ethical philosophy of Luce Irigaray
Andrea Wheeler, Iowa State University, United States

Hope in the Liminal State
Mary Jackson, Prescott College, United States



Preparing the Future Sustainable Energy Workforce and The Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education
Kenneth A. Walz and Joel B. Shoemaker, Madison Area Technical College, United States


Scholarly Features

The Cure is in the Cause: A Rationale and Guide for Scaling Up Indigenous Principles and Practices for Resilience and Sustainability
Dawn Marsden, First Nations University of Canada

Worldviews, a Mental Construct Hiding the Potential of Human Behaviour: a New Learning Framework to Guide Education for Sustainable Development
Emilia de la Sienra, Tanzi Smith, and Cynthia Mitchell, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney, Australia (ISF-UTS)

Critical sustainability studies: A holistic and visionary conception of socio- ecological conscientization
Felipe de S. Ferreira, M.S., Portland State University, United States

The Future of Sustainability in Higher Education
Nathan Hensley, Bowling Green State University, United States

Using Global Climate Change as a Platform for Interpreting Graphical Data
Karena M. Ruggiero and Barry W. Golden, University of Tennessee, United States

U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Award from 2012, 2013, and 2014: Teacher Perceptions of Ecological and Democratic Principles
Tania McKey, Auburn University, United States

Environmental Literacy in Environmentally Themed Higher Education Courses
Jordan A. King and Rebecca L. Franzen, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, United States

University-Museum Partnerships: Reflections on Programmatic Best Practices for Sustainability Collaborations
Sandra L. Rodegher, Arizona State University; Stacey V. Freeman, Arizona State University, United States

Do Malaysian Journalists Really Understand What Sustainability Is?
Mohamad Saifudin Mohamad Saleh and Nik Norma Nik Hasan, School of Communication, Universiti Sains Malaysia