April 2016: Place and Resilience in Sustainability Education Table of Contents

monarch place issue


Editor’s Corner

Place and Resilience

Chiara D’Amore, The Community Ecology Institute; Clare Hintz, JSE Editor in Chief; Cirien Saadeh, Prescott College; & Jeremy Solin, ThinkWater, University of Wisconsin-Extension



Teiitooniine’etii: To Live Quietly, Live Calmly

Iva Moss Redman, Arapahoe School; Mike Redman, St. Stephens Indian High School; Teresa Cavazos Cohn, University of Idaho


Case Studies

Teaching Issues of Inequality through a Critical Pedagogy of Place

Anthony Justin Barnum, Dickinson College; Jason Illari, Cumberland County Historical Society

River Journey: Art-led, Place-based, Experiential Environmental Education

Jonee Kulman Brigham, Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota

Open Spaces of Democracy: Connecting Students, Wilderness, and Community through Experiential Learning

Eric J. Morgan, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

“Don’t Step on the Ants!” Biomimetic Pedagogy for Sustainability in a Costa Rica Study Away Experience

Cosette M. Armstrong, Oklahoma State University

“Understanding Place” at the Middlebury School of the Environment

Joseph Witt, Mississippi State University; Holly Peterson, Guilford College; Stephen C. Trombulak, Middlebury College


Book Review

The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World

Julie Dunlap, University of Maryland University College


Photo Essays and Images

Hello from Columbia, Maryland

Chiara D’Amore, The Community Ecology Institute

Pasadena, the City of Roses, Pasadena City College and the Chemistry Research Laboratories

Jillian Blatti with Anthony Cuccinello, Betsy Juarez, Jianyi Lu, William Liang, Carina Sepulveda-Torres, Anakany Ramirez, Jennifer Portillo, Vanessa Sanchez, Nikolai Massine

Mauna a Wakea: Reconfiguring Our Sense of Place

Kimberley Greeson, Prescott College, Evan Loney

The Hualapai Ethnobotany Youth Project

Carrie Calisay Cannon, Hualapai Department of Cultural Resources

A Word on Place: Altering the Meaning of Place with Typographic Installations

Matthew Groshek, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point

Postcard from the Ballona Creek Watershed

Nicole Lawson, University of California, Los Angeles



Place: War, Cosmos, Perspective

Mary A. Jackson, Prescott College

Compost and the Growth Mindset: A Pathway to Enrich Our Sense of Place

Zoë A. Nelsen, Prescott College

A Sense of Place and the World Within

Lenka Studnicka, Prescott College

Infrastructures for Grace: Meditations on Regenerative Design Praxis in Gentrifying Urban Landscapes

Elizabeth A. Walsh, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York


Scholarly Features

How We Came to Inhabit These Spaces: Reflections on the Role of Place in Our Individual and Collective Journeys as Emerging Sustainability Scholars

Kathleen Aikens, Naomi Mumbi Maina, Ana-Maria Bogdan, & Hardi Shahadu, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan

Experience and Place-Making in Contested Forests

Jodie Asselin, University of Lethbridge

Applying AASHE STARS to Examine Geography’s “Sense of Place” in Sustainability Education

Makayla J. Bonney, Indiana University; Leslie A. Duram, Southern Illinois University

Leveraging Place and Community for Critical Sustainability Education: The Promise of Participatory Action Research

Adrienne Cachelin, Jeff Rose, & Danya Rumore, University of Utah

Los Museos De Montaña De Reinhold Messner Identidad, Turismo Y Sustentabilidad En Los Alpes De Sud Tirol

Constanza Ceruti,  CONICET / Catholic University of Salta

Placing Local Food Systems: Farm Tours as Place- and Care-Based Education

Laura B Johnson, Michigan State University; Gary R Schnakenberg, Michigan State University; Nicholas A Perdue, University of Oregon

Considerations of Place in Sustainability Education Policy: How Local Contexts Inform the Engagement of Sustainability in Education Policy Enactment and Practice

Jada Renee Koushik, University of Saskatchewan

Go Green for Home Team

Brian P. McCullough, Seattle University; Timothy B. Kellison, Georgia State University

Phenomenology of Place: Re-grounding Environmental Ethics through Story

Jen Christion Myers, Oregon State University

Inheriting Struggle and Forming the Future: Indigenous Education-Creation Centres in Highland Ecuador

Tristan Partridge, University of California, Santa Barbara

Sustainable Education from Vermont to Wales: Developing a Sense of Place and Resiliency through Innovative Interdisciplinary Curriculum

Jonathan Silverman & Jeffrey Ayres, Saint Michael’s College

The Role of Sense of Place in Collaborative Planning

Aaron W. Thompson, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point; Linda S. Prokopy, Purdue University

Place, Positionality and Teacher Preparation

Amy Vinlove, University of Alaska, Fairbanks

The Promise of an Energy Tracker Curriculum for Promoting Home-School Connections and Youth Agency in Climate Action

Elizabeth M. Walsh, Derek Jenkins, & Eugene Cordero, San Jose State University