July 15th, 2018


By Ron Riekki

I have ice

in my arteries.

I imagine

icicle veins

where my bones


are white-yellow

like pissed-on

snow, & my father

has told me a thousand

times of my Arctic heart,


how it is melting & how we

are as endangered as wood bison

& Eskimo curlew, how the tundra

has been turned into the 2018 Toyota Tundra

& the Saami name has been usurped by something as evil as the


‘Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute’ with its sick

hacktongue hate that reminds me of the painful opening of the 1937 film A Star is Born,

the unnecessary Techniracist rant against Indians, and I want to yell that

I have a voice

in my arteries


I imagine

icicle megaphones

where my bones

are heard

and not pissed on


by the now, & my father

isn’t strangled by a thousand

years of history, its heartless heart,

how we are melting & how we

are melting & how we are melting






Link to Table of Contents: March 2018, Decolonization Issue

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