May 2017: Regenerative Agriculture Table of Contents

Regen Ag

May 2017: Regenerative Agriculture

From the Editors

Editorial Overview

Case Study

Planting More than Just Veggies: Student-Created Plans for a Sustainable Urban Farm
Daniela Shebitz, Kean University; Sergio Capozzi, Red Canoe; and Jackie Park Albaum, Groundword Elizabeth

Scholarly Features

The Place of Food Systems: Exploring the Relationship between Sense of Place and Community Food Systems Engagement
Jeremy Solin, Thinkwater

Incorporation Of Traditional Knowledge Into Geoscience Education: An Effective Method Of Native American Instruction

by Wendy Smythe, Oregon Health & Science University; Richard C. Hugo, Portland State University; and Sean McAllister, Western Washington University

Science in the Learning Gardens

 by Dilafruz Williams, Portland State University

Organizing Alternative Food Futures in the Peripheries of the Industrial Food System

by Sam Grant, California Institute of Integral Studies

Campus Agriculture Education: Educating Food Citizens or Producers? 

by Brandon Hoover, Messiah College


Intersections of Regenerative Agriculture and Food Justice: A Journey

Cirien Saadeh (Prescott College)

Our Shores: Ultrarun for the Love of the Lake

by Evan Flom, Allissa Stutte, and Andy Butter

Gardening with Nature

 by Kelly S. Cartwright